Monday, December 27, 2010

Happy Holidays

I wanted to wish everyone a safe and happy holiday season! Thank you for all of your support this past year, I'm looking forward to another exciting photography year in 2011.

Best Wishes,


Thursday, December 9, 2010

Family Portraits

I had the pleasure of photographing Brian and Jocelyn's wedding a few years ago and was delighted when they asked me to also photograph their son, Joshua. I loved that he was so happy when his mom started dancing for him, such a cutie!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Alijah & Aidan ~ Portraits

Congrats to my sister Ashleigh and Adam on their beautiful new daughter, Alijah Leigh! Aidan is such a proud big brother and he is so helpful with his little sis. Ashleigh is also a quilter and we had fun trying to incorporate some of her favourite quilts into the photos. One of my fav's is the fire fighter man quilt, haha. I also love that this is the quilt that sits on the couch in their living room...probably also one of Adam's fav quilts :D

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Kirsten & Danny Wedding

And the award for the rainiest wedding day ever goes to...Kirsten and Danny!! What luck that it did stop for just over an hour during the outdoor ceremony, and then it started pouring again right when we started to do the portraits. It still turned out to be a beautiful wedding and I'm so happy that they asked me to be a part of it (Kirsten and I have known eachother for over 15 years now). They had a crazy fun reception with a lot of dancing and music.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Sandy & Jay ~ Wedding

Congratulations Sandy & Jay! This turned out to be a beautiful day with the clouds forming a perfect backdrop for the photos. The weather was a bit of a concern with it looking like we would have rain but luckily it held off.